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Las Vegas Chiropractor License Defense Lawyer

Chiropractor License Defense Lawyers in Las Vegas, NV

Encountering challenges in obtaining a license or being investigated by state boards and other agencies can jeopardize your career. Considering the high stakes, it is wise to seek guidance from an experienced Las Vegas chiropractor license defense lawyer. We understand the immense dedication and hard work that goes into becoming a licensed chiropractor. Our mission is to protect your professional license and career, ensuring you can continue to provide essential healthcare services to your patients. Contact Spartacus Law Firm now to speak with our skilled professional license defense team and learn more about how we can help defend and protect your license.

Understanding Nevada Chiropractor License Defense

A chiropractor’s license is their livelihood, and any threat to it can be incredibly stressful. The process of defending your license can be complex, requiring a deep understanding of Nevada’s regulatory landscape, as well as the specific nuances of chiropractor practice. This is where our Las Vegas chiropractic license defense lawyer offers you the expertise and support you need to navigate this challenging process.

Common Reasons for Chiropractor License Defense

There are various reasons why a chiropractor might face disciplinary action from the Chiropractic Physician’s Board of Nevada (CPBN). Some of the common issues include:

Understanding the specific nature of the allegations against you is crucial in mounting an effective defense. At Spartacus Law Firm, we have extensive experience handling a wide range of chiropractor license defense cases in Las Vegas and we tailor our approach to suit the unique circumstances of each case.

NRS 634.018 “Unprofessional Conduct” Defined  

According to NRS 634.018, “Unprofessional conduct” means:

1. Obtaining a certificate upon fraudulent credentials or gross misrepresentation.

2. Procuring, or aiding or abetting in procuring, criminal abortion.

3. Assuring that a manifestly incurable disease can be permanently cured.

4. Advertising chiropractic business in which grossly improbable statements are made, advertising in any manner that will tend to deceive, defraud or mislead the public or preparing, causing to be prepared, using or participating in the use of any form of public communication that contains professionally self-laudatory statements calculated to attract lay patients. As used in this subsection, “public communication” includes, but is not limited to, communications by means of television, radio, newspapers, books and periodicals, motion picture, handbills or other printed matter.

5. Willful disobedience of the law, or of the regulations of the State Board of Health or of the Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada.

6. Conviction of any offense involving moral turpitude, or the conviction of a felony. The record of the conviction is conclusive evidence of unprofessional conduct.

7. Administering, dispensing or prescribing any controlled substance.

8. Conviction or violation of any federal or state law regulating the possession, distribution or use of any controlled substance. The record of conviction is conclusive evidence of unprofessional conduct.

9. Habitual intemperance or excessive use of alcohol or alcoholic beverages or any controlled substance.

10. Conduct unbecoming a person licensed to practice chiropractic or detrimental to the best interests of the public.

11. Violating, or attempting to violate, directly or indirectly, or assisting in or abetting the violation of, or conspiring to violate, any provision of this chapter or the regulations adopted by the Board, or any other statute or regulation pertaining to the practice of chiropractic.

12. Employing, directly or indirectly, any suspended or unlicensed practitioner in the practice of any system or mode of treating the sick or afflicted, or the aiding or abetting of any unlicensed person to practice chiropractic under this chapter.

13. Repeated malpractice, which may be evidenced by claims of malpractice settled against a practitioner.

14. Solicitation by the licensee or the licensee’s designated agent of any person who, at the time of the solicitation, is vulnerable to undue influence, including, without limitation, any person known by the licensee to have recently been involved in a motor vehicle accident, involved in a work-related accident, or injured by, or as the result of the actions of, another person. As used in this subsection:

(a) “Designated agent” means a person who renders service to a licensee on a contract basis and is not an employee of the licensee.

(b) “Solicitation” means the attempt to acquire a new patient through information obtained from a law enforcement agency, medical facility or the report of any other party, which information indicates that the potential new patient may be vulnerable to undue influence, as described in this subsection.

15. Employing, directly or indirectly, any person as a chiropractor’s assistant unless the person has been issued a certificate by the Board pursuant to NRS 634.123, or has applied for such a certificate and is awaiting the determination of the Board concerning the application.

16. Aiding, abetting, commanding, counseling, encouraging, inducing or soliciting an insurer or other third-party payor to reduce or deny payment or reimbursement for the care or treatment of a patient, unless such action is supported by:

(a) The medical records of the patient; or

(b) An examination of the patient by the chiropractic physician taking such action.

17. Violating a lawful order of the Board, a lawful agreement with the Board, or any of the provisions of this chapter or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto.

The Disciplinary Process in Nevada

The NSBCE oversees the licensing and regulation of chiropractors in Nevada. When a complaint is filed against a chiropractor, the Chiropractic Physicians Board of Nevada initiates a thorough investigation. The disciplinary process typically involves the following steps:

1. Complaint & Investigation

A complaint can be filed by a patient, another healthcare provider, or any member of the public. Once a complaint is received, the NSBCE will conduct a preliminary investigation to determine if there is sufficient evidence to proceed.

2. Notice of Complaint

If the Board finds enough evidence to support the complaint, they will issue a formal notice to the chiropractor, outlining the allegations and the potential consequences. This notice marks the beginning of the formal disciplinary process.

3. Response & Discovery

The chiropractor has the opportunity to respond to the allegations. During this phase, both parties engage in the discovery process, gathering evidence and information to support their respective positions.

4. Hearing

A hearing will be scheduled where both sides can present their case before an administrative law judge or the Board itself. This is a critical stage in the process, where having skilled legal representation can make a significant difference.

5. Decision & Penalties

After the hearing, the Board will deliberate and issue a decision. If the Board finds the chiropractor guilty of the allegations, they may impose a range of penalties, including fines, probation, suspension, or even revocation of the chiropractic license.

Las Vegas Criminal Defense ATTORNEY

The Role of the Chiropractic Physician’s Board of Nevada

The CPBN is tasked with safeguarding public health by ensuring that all practicing chiropractors in Nevada meet the required standards of competence and professionalism. The board’s responsibilities include:

  • Issuing and renewing chiropractic licenses
  • Setting educational and ethical standards
  • Investigating complaints against licensed chiropractors
  • Disciplining chiropractors who violate regulations

By maintaining these standards, the CPBN ensures that chiropractic care in Nevada remains safe and effective.

How Spartacus Law Firm Can Help

At Spartacus Law Firm, we are committed to providing comprehensive legal support to chiropractors facing disciplinary actions. Our approach includes:

1. Initial Consultation

We begin with a thorough initial consultation to understand the details of your case and assess the potential risks and defenses. This helps us develop a strategic plan tailored to your specific situation.

2. Investigation and Evidence Gathering

Our legal team conducts an independent investigation to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and build a robust defense. We leave no stone unturned in our efforts to protect your license.

3. Expert Testimony

In many cases, expert testimony can be pivotal in challenging the allegations against you. We have access to a network of medical and chiropractic experts who can provide credible testimony to support your defense.

4. Representation at Hearings

If a hearing is necessary, we provide aggressive and skilled representation, presenting compelling arguments and evidence to defend your license. Our experience in administrative law and familiarity with the NSBCE processes give us a significant advantage in these proceedings.

5. Appeals

If the Board’s decision is unfavorable, we are prepared to file an appeal and continue fighting for your rights. Our team has extensive experience in appellate advocacy, and we are dedicated to pursuing every available legal avenue to protect your license.

Why Choose Spartacus Law Firm?

When it comes to defending your chiropractic license, choosing the right legal representation is crucial. Here are a few reasons why Spartacus Law Firm is the best choice for chiropractors in Nevada:

Expertise in Medical License Defense

Our team specializes in chiropractor license defense, with extensive knowledge of Nevada’s regulatory framework and the specific challenges faced by healthcare professionals. We stay updated on the latest developments in administrative law and chiropractic practice, ensuring we provide the most effective representation.

Personalized Attention

At Spartacus Law Firm, we understand that every case is unique. We take the time to listen to your concerns, understand your goals, and develop a customized defense strategy that addresses your specific needs. You can count on us for personalized attention and dedicated support throughout the process.

Proven Track Record

Our success stories and case studies demonstrate our commitment to achieving favorable outcomes for our clients. We have a proven track record of defending chiropractors and protecting their licenses, allowing them to continue their essential work.

Comprehensive Support

From the initial consultation to the final resolution, we provide comprehensive legal support at every stage of the disciplinary process. Whether it’s negotiating a settlement, representing you at a hearing, or filing an appeal, we are with you every step of the way.

Commitment to Your Career

We understand the impact that disciplinary actions can have on your career and personal life. Our goal is to minimize the disruption and help you get back to providing quality care to your patients as quickly as possible. We are committed to protecting your professional reputation and future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Actions Could Result In The Revocation Of My Chiropractic License?

The most common accusations that can lead to the loss of your license include:

  • Fraud: This includes fraudulent billing of patients or insurance, falsifying patient diagnoses for insurance purposes, falsifying records, false advertising, accepting kickbacks, and similar activities. A common fraud charge brought against medical professionals is related to medical durable equipment (DME) fraud.
  • Substance abuse/addiction: Alcoholism and drug abuse can jeopardize your license, especially if you practice while under the influence.
  • Sexual misconduct/improper relationships: This encompasses unwanted sexual advances toward patients, colleagues, or employees, as well as inappropriate romantic relationships with patients, which represent significant ethical violations.
  • Criminal convictions: In many states, criminal offenses can lead to the revocation of your chiropractic license.
  • Gross negligence or incompetence: Failing to meet state standards of excellence in chiropractic practice, or neglecting to provide basic reasonable care, can be grounds for losing your license.
  • Acting outside the scope of your license: Engaging in medical services that your license does not cover can result in the revocation of your license.

Is It Possible To Incur Lesser Penalties Without Losing My License?

Yes. Depending on the circumstances, the licensing board may impose various sanctions while allowing you to retain your license. These could include:

  • License Suspension: The board may suspend your license for a specific period, subject to further review.
  • License Restriction: Your permitted activities or services might be limited by the board.
  • Fines: A monetary fine may be imposed.
  • Continuing Education Requirements: If a violation stems from a gap in training or education, the board may mandate additional classes as a condition for maintaining your license.
  • Probation: The board may place your license on probation, monitoring your compliance with specific requirements over a predetermined period.
  • Reprimand: You could receive a private or public reprimand for your actions.

Although these penalties are preferable to having your license revoked, they can still harm your career, as most disciplinary actions become part of the public record. If a patient, clinic, or potential employer investigates your background, they can easily see any disciplinary actions taken against you, which may influence their decision to work with you.

What is a Consent Order? Should You Agree to One if Offered?

A consent order is a legally binding agreement between the state, the board, and yourself, where you collectively agree on a set of prescribed sanctions instead of undergoing a formal hearing. When the board has substantial evidence and disciplinary action seems likely, a consent order can be a favorable alternative, especially if it allows you to retain your license.

However, it is important to note that a consent order is essentially an admission of guilt and will appear on your public record as a disciplinary action. Therefore, if you have evidence to refute the complaint, a consent order might not be in your best interest. Always consult with an attorney experienced in license defense before agreeing to a consent order.

Should I Still Hire an Attorney if the Allegations Are Minor?

For optimal results, it’s advisable to hire an attorney even if the complaint appears minor. Assuming the board won’t revoke your license over a “minor” offense could be a grave error. An attorney can significantly improve your chances of a favorable outcome. Moreover, even minor complaints can harm your career if they lead to disciplinary actions. If the alleged offense is indeed minor, an attorney can enhance your chances of having the complaint dismissed, preventing it from tarnishing your public record.

Contact Our Las Vegas Chiropractor License Defense Lawyers Now

Facing disciplinary action as a chiropractor can be daunting, but you don’t have to go through it alone. At Spartacus Law Firm, we are dedicated to providing the expert legal representation you need to defend your license and protect your career. Our experienced Las Vegas chiropractor license defense lawyers are here to guide you through the process, offering personalized attention, strategic defense, and unwavering support.

Don’t wait until it’s too late. Contact Spartacus Law Firm today to schedule a consultation and learn how we can help you safeguard your chiropractic license. Trust us to fight for your rights and secure your future in the chiropractic profession.

Last Modified: July 5, 2024
(702) 660-1234