Las Vegas DUI Lawyer
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DUI Attorney In Las Vegas, NV
DUI cases in Las Vegas are almost never cut and dry. Even if your breathalyzer or blood test came back over the limit, there are often many issues an experienced DUI lawyer can use to get the charges reduced – or even dismissed. We understand how stressful this time can be, but it’s critical that you take control of your DUI defense as quickly as possible. Contact the Spartacus Law Firm now to get help from our experienced Las Vegas DUI attorney.
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ToggleDriving Under the Influence (DUI) charges can be severe and penalties are often not favorable for the accused. There is much to consider when determining the penalties, fines, and charges of the driver cited, causing the consequences of a DUI to vary by case. In order to see that your case gets the best defense possible, it’s crucial that you work with a criminal defense lawyer that will aggressively fight for you.
At Spartacus Law Firm, our proven and resourceful Las Vegas DUI attorney team will provide you a strong defense and dedicated legal representation. Call us at (702) 660-1234 to schedule your consultation.
DUI Penalties, Fines, And Charges In Nevada
A person is considered under the influence if they are impaired by drugs or alcohol to the degree that they are driving recklessly. NRS 484B.653 criminalizes reckless driving, making it a much more serious offense than simple negligence. A driver will face DUI charges in Las Vegas if they display a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08% or more at the time of the accident. The same goes for drivers under the age of 21 who display a BAC of 0.02% or higher and for commercially licensed drivers who display a BAC of 0.04% or higher.
DUI penalties in Nevada will vary depending on whether the incident was the first, second, or third offense. In DUI cases that result in a fatality, the driver will be charged with a Category B felony and will face much harsher punishment.
Possible penalties of DUI charges include criminal arrest, vehicle impoundment, jail or equivalent community service hours, hundreds to thousands of dollars in fines, DUI school or substance abuse treatment, Victim Impact Panel, and permanent damage to your driving record. In some cases, a DUI offender may be able to avoid spending time in prison if a Misdemeanor or Felony DUI Court program is completed. This is an intensive rehabilitation program that is not available to everyone and eligibility is often determined by a judge.
Do You Need a Las Vegas DUI Lawyer? Understanding First, Second & Third DUI Offenses
1st DUI Offense In Nevada
2nd DUI Offense In Nevada
3rd DUI Offense In Nevada
Nevada Revised Statutes Regarding DUI
The Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) are the most up-to-date codified laws in Nevada. Several statutes discuss DUI offenses and reckless driving charges. Below is a list of DUI and other driving-related Nevada statutes to review:
- NRS 484B.657 – Declares vehicular manslaughter caused by simple negligence (i.e. distracted driving, failure to use a turn signal, speeding slightly, etc.) a misdemeanor and requires an offender to be punished as such.
- NRS 484B.653 – Criminalizes reckless driving (i.e. running a red light, speeding in excess, aggressively weaving in and out of traffic, etc.) resulting in more severe charges and penalties ranging from large fines to potential prison time.
- NRS 484C.150 – (Replaces the previous statute NRS 484.382) States that a driver or person in physical control of a vehicle on a public road gives their consent to a preliminary test of their breath to determine their alcohol concentration level at the scene of a vehicle crash or in the location and time that the police officer stopped the vehicle.
- NRS 484C.160 – (Replaces the previous statute NRS 484.383) States that a driver or person in physical control of a vehicle on a public road gives their consent to an evidentiary test of their blood, urine, breath, or other bodily substance to determine the concentration of alcohol or presence of another controlled substance, chemical, poison, or prohibited substance at the time that the test is administered
- NRS 484C.400 – Lists the penalties for first, second, and third offenders of DUI charges. Each penalty will be determined upon consideration of the circumstances of the accident.
- NRS 484C.430 – Declares that the driver of a fatal vehicle accident will be charged with a Category B felony and will face serious charges including prison time, hefty fines, and more.
Nevada’s Implied Consent Law in DUI Cases
If you are pulled over and suspected of driving under the influence, Nevada has laws which control the testing used to determine if you are under the influence of alcohol, drugs, prescription drugs or marijuana. The standard tests used include blood testing, breath tests and urine tests. The results of these tests can prove if you are intoxicated and to what extent you are intoxicated. There is a misconception that you can’t be convicted of a DUI without the results of a blood, breath or urine test, and therefore you should refuse the testing. Nevada statute 484C.160 states that “any person who drives or is in actual control of a vehicle on a highway or on premises to which the public has access shall be deemed to have given his or her consent to an evidentiary test of his or her blood, urine, breath or other bodily substance to determine the concentration of alcohol in his or her blood or breath…”
Before 2013, the police were able to force a blood draw under Nevada’s implied consent laws. In Missouri v. McNeely, 569 US 141 (2013), the United States Supreme Court addressed states implied consent laws head-on and ruled that the police can no longer force driving under the influence suspects to give a blood sample, unless they have a search warrant.
Most recently, however, In Mitchell v. Wisconsin, 139 S.Ct 2525 (2019), the United States Supreme Court, ruled that police may, without a warrant, order blood drawn from an unconscious person suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol. The Supreme Court did state they were addressing a narrow category of cases, however, one can not deny that the ruling in Mitchell allows for an easier time justifying warrantless blood draws of intoxicated drivers by law enforcement.
If you choose not to take a breath, blood, or urine test you could have your driver’s license revoked for one year. And your refusal may be seen as evidence of guilt at your DUI hearing. By law, Nevada drivers are required to submit to a PBT (preliminary breath test) when an officer suspects them of DUI. It’s important to note that refusing to take the PBT has consequences as well, such as:
- DUI Arrest
- Confiscation of driver’s license
- The refusal may be used as evidence against the driver
However, while it is the law to consent to the PBT, the police cannot force you to take the test. If you’ve made the decision to forgo a preliminary blood test, speak with a DUI lawyer in Clark County as soon as possible.
Fatal DUI Accidents In Las Vegas
Tourist DUIs in Las Vegas
Las Vegas sees 42.5 million visitors a year. And with the 24-hour party atmosphere, ease of purchasing alcohol, and an abundance of traffic, it’s no wonder that out-of-state DUI arrests are very common. Visitors often misunderstand the law. They assume the laws are more lenient in Las Vegas than in their home state. For example, it is legal to carry an open beverage in designated areas, like the Strip. But, it is not legal to drive with one. Public intoxication is not a crime, however, if the police determine that a person is intentionally being loud, acting aggressively, or initiating fights, they can be arrested for disturbing the peace or disorderly conduct.
If you have been arrested for a DUI on a recent trip to Las Vegas, you’ll need an experienced Las Vegas DUI lawyer to represent you. Spartacus Law Firm can handle all aspects of your case on your behalf. This means you won’t be required to attend court dates or produce the required documentation yourself. You can go back home knowing you’re in good hands.
If you are convicted of a DUI offense in Las Vegas, the DMV will report the offense back to the proper government agency in your state. Each state handles the offense differently, but some actions you could experience:
- State will take action if the Nevada DMV suspends your license
- State will only take action if you are criminally convicted
- DMV Penalties will be as if you were convicted in your home state
- Penalties if your home state has the same or similar DUI statutes as Nevada
20 Ways Our Las Vegas DUI Lawyers Can Fight For You
1. The Officer did not Administer the Field Sobriety Tests Correctly
Most often, police are not trained properly in the NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) procedures or fail to execute the tests properly. A competent Las Vegas DUI defense lawyer can use this to your advantage. The NHTSA DUI manual clearly states that not following the procedures renders the results invalid. The three standardized Field Sobriety Tests are:
- Horizontal gaze nystagmus (penlight test)
- Walk and turn
- One-legged stand
2. No Probable Cause for the Traffic Stop
3. Mouth Alcohol Contaminates the Intoxilyzer 5000ENBreath Machine
4. Many of the Field Sobriety Tests are Unreliable
5. The Field Sobriety Tests Are All Highly Inaccurate
6. Other Factors Can Affect Your Performance on the Field Sobriety Tests
Even when not drinking, there are several reasons someone accused of a DUI may not perform well on FSTs. When you’re pulled over by the police and you see the flashing lights in your rear view mirror, it’s natural to be uneasy. Just because you may have performed a Field Sobriety Test poorly, does not automatically mean that you were drunk while behind the wheel. Our Las Vegas DUI attorney will walk through the series of events before, during, and after your encounter with the police and determine the best defense to refute their claims. Common reasons for a failed field sobriety test other than being drunk include:
- Nerves, anxiety, or intimidation
- Wearing boots, heels, or hard-soled shoes
- Poor weather (like rain, extreme heat, or cold)
- Uneven or slippery surface
- Distraction by onlookers, flashing lights, and road traffic
- Obesity, age tired, injuries or poor coordination
7. There is no Baseline on Field Sobriety Tests if you Haven’t Been Drinking
8. Non-Alcohol Factors Can Explain Poor Driving
Police are quick to accuse drivers of being under the influence if they notice weaving, serving, riding the lane line or driving too slowly for the flow of traffic. There are several non-alcohol-related factors can explain this driving behavior:
- Using a cellphone
- Reading a map
- Applying makeup
- Talking to passengers
- Driving around lost
9. Lack of Sufficient Evidence for a Nevada DUI Arrest
10. You Were Never Read Your Miranda Rights
11. Alcohol on the Breath Does NOT Mean You Were Drunk Driving
12. Acid Reflux or Heartburn Can Influence the Breathalyzer Test
13. The BAC Test Result is Inconsistent with a Driver’s Behavior
14. Possible Blood Sample Contamination
15. High Protein/ Low Carbohydrate Diets Can Influence Breath Test Readings
16. You Were Mentally Sharp
17. Speeding Does Not Equal Drunk Driving
18. Appearance of Intoxication May Be Explained by Non-Alcohol Factors
19. Inherent Error Rate for DUI Blood and Breath Tests
20. Sobriety Witnesses Can Help Your Case

National DUI Statistics [Updated 2023]
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) continues to be a major contributor to road accidents and fatalities in the United States each year. The data for 2021 reveals a troubling trend, as there has been an unfortunate increase in drunk driving fatalities.
In 2021 alone, there were 13,386 deaths attributed to drunk driving, accounting for 31% of all road fatalities. This marks the highest number of drunk driving fatalities since 2014. Shockingly, the number of drunk driving deaths has surged by 1,732 (14.8%) compared to 2020, dealing a significant blow to safety advocates and regulators who tirelessly work to make our roads safer.
We conducted a comprehensive analysis of the data across all states to better understand the variations in DUI accidents, fatalities, and arrests. Through a thorough examination of the most recent available data, we have ranked each state from best to worst, revealing the areas where DUI-related incidents are more prevalent.
As we continue our ongoing efforts to promote road safety, it is crucial that we effectively address the issue of drunk driving and implement measures to prevent such tragic incidents. By identifying the regions with higher incidents of DUI, we can strategically allocate our resources and implement targeted strategies to make a positive impact and save lives on our roads.
Note: Please be aware that collecting drunk driving statistics takes time. This report features the latest data released in April 2023.
Sobering DUI Statistics In Las Vegas
While efforts to reduce and prevent alcohol-impaired driving have proven to be quite successful over time, there are still thousands of DUI accidents occurring statewide. Between the years 2009 and 2018, 842 Nevadans have lost their lives due to alcohol-impaired driving fatalities. Since then, the state, specifically Las Vegas, has been working towards a “Zero Fatalities” initiative that has caused a soaring rise in DUI arrests.
A recent 2021 report from the Las Vegas police revealed that DUI arrests are up 9.7% from 2020. Shockingly, there have been 2,349 arrests in 2021, compared to 2,141 last year. That means that Las Vegas police made an average of 15 DUI arrests every day so far in 2021. It’s clear that COVID has changed a lot of driving patterns both last year and this year, but it’s also evident that local police are cracking down on drunk driving in Clark County.
Nationally, an estimated 1.7% of drivers report getting behind the wheel after having had too much to drink. That number is 1.6% in Nevada, which is remarkably close to the national average. Even the slightest increase in blood alcohol concentration (BAC) levels can affect a person’s ability to operate a motor vehicle.
- Every day, 30 people in the US die in a car accident caused by someone driving under the influence. This equates to one death every 50 minutes. (CDC)
- In 2020, roughly 290,000 were injured in DUI related accidents. (NHTSA….)
- Drivers with a Blood Alcohol Content of over 0.10 are 7 times more likely to be involved in a fatal accident than sober drivers. (
- Ridesharing has reduced alcohol-related traffic deaths in the US by 6.1% and decreased overall US motor vehicle deaths by 4%. (National Bureau of Economic Research)
- Roughly 25% of all traffic-related deaths are the direct result of alcohol impairment. (NHTSA)
Las Vegas DUI Lawyer Answers Your Frequently Asked Questions
How Is Driving Under the Influence (DUI) Defined in Nevada?
What Are The Penalties For A DUI In Nevada?
- A minimum fine of $400 (plus court and administrative costs)
- 48 hours in jail or 48 to 96 hours of community service
- Attendance at a course on the abuse of alcohol or drugs
- Appearance before a victim impact panel. A victim impact panel consists of victims/survivors of DUIs and drunk driving accidents who share the impact the crime has had on them and their lives.
What Is A Misdemeanor DUI?
Most people who are charged with a DUI will be given a misdemeanor conviction, which is considered to be the standard DUI charge in Nevada. However, there are circumstances that would elevate a misdemeanor DUI to felony DUI. Some of those circumstances include causing serious injury or death of another person, severe property damage, or leaving the scene of an accident while under the influence. While a misdemeanor DUI is better than a felony DUI, it still comes with serious penalties such as:
- Mandatory fines ranging from $400 to $1,000
- Possible jail time (up to six months) or 96 hours of community service
- Driver’s license revocation for 90 days
- Installation of a breath ignition interlock device
- Attendance at a Nevada DUI school
- Alcohol and substance abuse treatment program
How Can You Get A DUI Dismissed in Nevada?
Getting a DUI dismissed in Nevada often involves meticulous legal strategies executed by an experienced Nevada criminal defense lawyer. These strategies may include challenging the legality of the stop or arrest, questioning the accuracy of field sobriety tests or breathalyzer results, and scrutinizing the collection and handling of evidence. Attorneys may also explore potential violations of the defendant’s constitutional rights during the arrest or investigation process, such as improper search and seizure procedures. Ultimately, successful dismissal of a DUI charge hinges on the strength of the defense’s arguments and the judge’s interpretation of the law.
What Can a DUI be Reduced to in Nevada?
A DUI in Nevada can be reduced to a lesser offense through various legal avenues, including plea bargaining and participation in diversion programs. Common reductions include pleading guilty to reckless driving or wet reckless, which typically carry lighter penalties than a full DUI conviction. Additionally, first-time offenders or those with mitigating circumstances may have opportunities for reduced charges or alternative sentencing options that focus on rehabilitation rather than strict punishment.
What Can A DUI Be Reduced To In Nevada?
A common sentence for a DUI conviction in Nevada encompasses a range of penalties designed to deter drunk driving and protect public safety. These penalties often include jail time, fines, license suspension or revocation, mandatory participation in DUI education or treatment programs, installation of an ignition interlock device, probation, and community service. The severity of the sentence depends on factors such as the offender’s BAC level, prior DUI convictions, presence of aggravating factors like accidents or injuries, and the judge’s discretion.
What Is The Best Outcome For A DUI?
The best outcome for a DUI case in Nevada typically involves achieving a dismissal of the charges, a reduction to a lesser offense such as reckless driving, or successful completion of a DUI diversion program. A dismissal or reduction can minimize or eliminate the immediate and long-term consequences associated with a DUI conviction, including jail time, hefty fines, license suspension, and a permanent criminal record. Completing a diversion program not only avoids a formal conviction but also allows the individual to address underlying issues related to substance abuse and driving behavior. Ultimately, for the best outcome in a DUI case, it’s critical to have an experienced Las Vegas DUI lawyer by your side.
What Happens With A First Time DUI In Nevada?
A first-time DUI in Nevada triggers a legal process that can result in various consequences depending on the specifics of the case and the defendant’s actions. Upon arrest, the individual may face immediate license suspension and criminal charges. Subsequent steps may involve court appearances, legal proceedings, potential plea negotiations, and sentencing if convicted. Penalties for a first-time DUI typically include fines, jail time, mandatory DUI education or treatment, license suspension, and other court-ordered requirements aimed at deterrence and rehabilitation.
Is Nevada Strict On DUI?
Nevada maintains stringent laws and enforcement measures regarding DUI offenses, reflecting a commitment to combatting impaired driving and ensuring public safety on the roads. The state imposes strict penalties for DUI convictions, especially for repeat offenders or cases involving aggravating factors such as high BAC levels, accidents, injuries, or endangerment of others. Law enforcement agencies employ various tactics, such as sobriety checkpoints and enhanced patrols, to detect and deter drunk driving, contributing to the state’s reputation for rigorous DUI enforcement.
Is Your License Suspended Immediately After A DUI In Nevada?
In Nevada, your license is typically subject to immediate suspension following a DUI arrest, pending administrative and legal proceedings. However, individuals may be eligible for a temporary license or ignition interlock restricted license under certain circumstances. The duration of license suspension or revocation depends on factors such as the offender’s BAC level, prior DUI convictions, and compliance with court-ordered requirements.
How Long Does DUI Stay On Record In Nevada?
A DUI conviction remains on your driving record in Nevada for a specified period, typically ranging from 7 to 10 years, depending on the severity of the offense and any subsequent violations. During this time, the DUI conviction may impact insurance rates, employment opportunities, professional licensing, and other aspects of your life. However, completing diversion programs or meeting specific criteria may lead to expungement or sealing of the DUI record after a designated waiting period. Having a skilled Las Vegas DUI lawyer in your corner can help you achieve the best possible outcome.
What Is The Highest Cost For DUI?
The highest cost associated with a DUI in Nevada encompasses various expenses, including legal fees, fines (which can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars), court costs, mandatory DUI education or treatment programs, installation and maintenance of an ignition interlock device, increased insurance premiums, and potential loss of income due to license suspension or incarceration. Additionally, DUI-related expenses may extend to restitution for property damage, medical bills, and legal fees for civil lawsuits resulting from accidents or injuries caused by impaired driving.