Las Vegas Justice Court
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Defending Criminal Charges In The Las Vegas Justice Court
In Nevada, the Justice Court has authority over both misdemeanor and felony cases. The Las Vegas Justice Court specifically handles crimes within the city of Las Vegas. Individuals arrested for cases within the Las Vegas Township Justice Court are taken to the Clark County Detention Center on Casino Center Boulevard. Irrespective of the offense type – misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or felony – prosecution is carried out by the Clark County District Attorney’s Office.
Alternatively, if someone is detained in a city jail post-arrest, such as the one on Steward and Mojave, their case will be addressed in the Las Vegas Municipal Court. Situated at 200 Lewis Avenue in downtown Las Vegas, the Las Vegas Justice Court operates from the Regional Justice Center (“RJC”), where the court clerk is located on the second floor. Other courts housed in the Regional Justice Center include the Las Vegas Municipal Court and Clark County District Court.
The Las Vegas Justice Court is divided into eleven departments, each overseen by a Justice of the Peace. Furthermore, it hosts specialty courts for Domestic Violence and DUI/Vehicular cases. If you’re facing criminal charges in the Las Vegas Justice Court, it’s critical to have a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney in your corner. Contact Spartacus Criminal Defense Lawyers today to schedule a consultation and learn more about how we can help.
Table of Contents
ToggleAbout the Las Vegas Justice Court
The Las Vegas Justice Court is widely recognized for its thorough legal supervision in the city. Situated in the esteemed Regional Justice Center, this court exemplifies the stringent legal criteria maintained in Las Vegas. It accommodates a diverse range of cases, from minor disagreements to substantial legal disputes.
Cases Heard At The Las Vegas Justice Court
The court specializes in various legal domains, such as:
- Traffic violations
- Small claims
- Preliminary hearings for felony cases
- Misdemeanors
- Evictions
- And other civil matters within its jurisdiction
Initial Hearings In The Las Vegas Justice Court
In the Las Vegas Justice Court, initial appearances come in two forms – the 48-hour hearing and the 72-hour hearing. If an individual promptly posts bail, their first arraignment appearance at the Las Vegas Justice Center is scheduled for the return court date. Otherwise, if they receive a misdemeanor citation or summons instead of an arrest warrant, they are not formally arrested. Hiring an attorney before the return court date allows the attorney to represent you and waive your appearance, sparing you from having to appear in person.
For defendants who do not post bail immediately, a 48-hour Hearing is held after they are taken to the Clark County Detention Center, conducted “in camera” where the judge reviews the case privately. During this hearing, the court decides whether to adjust the bail amount. The bail can be increased or decreased during this proceeding.
The 72-hour Hearing, on the other hand, is the first open court hearing for defendants still in custody at the Clark County Detention Center. During this hearing, the defendant is presented with the criminal complaint, arraigned on the charges, and enters a plea of “not guilty.” The court may revise the bail amount or release the defendant on their own recognizance at this time.
Following the initial appearance, misdemeanor cases remain in the Las Vegas Justice Court, while felony or gross misdemeanor cases are elevated to the District Court to be heard by a District Court judge. Bench trials exclusively take place in the Las Vegas Justice Court, while jury trials are held in the District Court for more severe offenses.
Preliminary Hearings In Las Vegas Justice Court
In cases involving gross misdemeanors or felonies without a negotiated plea deal, a preliminary hearing is held at the Las Vegas Justice Court. During this hearing, the prosecutor will present evidence and testimony to establish probable cause for the alleged crime. Your criminal defense attorney has the opportunity to cross-examine the state’s witnesses or introduce additional witnesses. If probable cause is demonstrated, the case will be transferred to the district court for further proceedings, which may include a jury trial. Insufficient evidence presented by the prosecutor could lead to the dismissal of charges.
The Failure To Appear Warrant From The Las Vegas Justice Court
Failure to attend a court date at the Las Vegas Justice Court could lead to the judge issuing an arrest warrant from the bench, commonly known as a “bench warrant” or a “failure to appear warrant.” Typically, these warrants come with a “no bond” condition, preventing the defendant from posting bail after arrest. In some instances, a higher bond may be specified on the warrant.
If you miss your court appearance and a bench warrant are issued due to your absence, hiring a private criminal defense attorney in Las Vegas to file a motion to “quash the bench warrant” or request to “set aside or recall the warrant” is advisable. Having the judge in the Las Vegas Justice Court revoke the bench warrant can prevent the creation of a new arrest record and mug shot.
Should you be apprehended on the warrant before you can address it, you will be taken into custody and brought before the court for a bench warrant return hearing.
Motion Hearings At The Las Vegas Justice Court
In misdemeanor cases at the Las Vegas Justice Court, the criminal defense attorney typically submits pre-trial motions. Subsequently, the attorney arranges for a specific hearing date concerning the filed motion. These motions may encompass various matters such as:
- Request to consolidate cases;
- Petition for bond exoneration;
- Motion to detain the defendant due to a bond or bail violation (e.g., new arrest);
- Appeal for bail reduction;
- Filing an amended criminal complaint motion;
- Request to cancel a bench warrant post non-appearance;
- Motion to suppress or exclude evidence;
- Petition for charges dismissal.
It’s crucial to engage a criminal defense lawyer early in your case. Following an arrest or citation, the arresting officer forwards details to the Clark County District Attorney’s Office. There, a review determines if the charges will proceed. The District Attorney then assesses the charges to be filed, if any. Upon release from jail, you’ll receive an “out-of-custody” court date. During this interim period, the prosecutor at the Clark County District Attorney’s Office will decide on filing charges and their nature.

Domestic Violence Cases In The Las Vegas Justice Court
Administrative Order 15-04 (amended on April 21, 2015) outlines procedures for case assignments in domestic violence cases within the Las Vegas Township Justice Court in Clark County, Nevada. Effective April 21, 2015, Judge Melanie Andress-Tobiasson oversees the domestic violence caseload. While judges may change departments periodically, the departmental procedures typically remain consistent.
The order mandates the automatic assignment of cases to the Domestic Violence Department based on specific charges. Repeat offenses of “Battery Which Constitutes Domestic Violence” fall under this provision. The definition of domestic violence aligns with NRS 33.018, and penalties for such offenses are detailed in NRS 200.485.
Furthermore, cases involving misdemeanors, gross misdemeanors, or felonies with domestic violence allegations are directed to the DV Department if the domestic relationship meets certain criteria.
- A current or prior dating relationship regardless of gender;
- A current or prior marriage; or
- A couple with children in common.
Cases not involving allegations of domestic violence and not falling under the aforementioned relationships will continue to be randomly assigned in the Township Justice Court in Las Vegas. According to Administrative Order 15-04, if a defendant faces charges that qualify for both the DV Department and the DUI/Vehicular-Crime Departments of the Las Vegas Township Justice Court, the case will be automatically routed to the DV Department.
Las Vegas Justice Court Payment Details Information
Payments in Person
Payments can be made using cash, VISA©, MASTERCARD®, or DISCOVER® debit or credit cards, personal checks, money orders, or cashier’s checks at the Las Vegas Justice Court Traffic Division on the 1st floor of the Regional Justice Center.
NEW: For added convenience, payments can now be made at the Las Vegas Justice Court window in the West Flamingo DMV at 8250 W. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, NV 89147. Look for the Court window near window 1, just around the corner from the self-service kiosks. If paying in cash, exact change is needed.
Payments by Phone
Customers may pay tickets over the telephone by using a VISA©, MASTERCARD® or DISCOVER® debit or credit card. The phone line for the Traffic Division is (702) 671-3444 and toll-free long distance 1-877-455-1289.
Payments by Mail
The address for mail-in payments is:
Las Vegas Justice Court
Traffic Division
200 Lewis Avenue, 1st Floor
P.O. Box 552511
Las Vegas, NV 89155
Payment should be in U.S. Funds. Avoid sending cash by mail. If you need a receipt, include a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Contact Our Criminal Defense Attorney For The Las Vegas Justice Court Now
If you’re facing charges for a misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or felony in Las Vegas or surrounding areas of Clark County, Nevada, contact Spartacus Criminal Defense Lawyers for expert criminal defense representation. With a focus solely on cases in and around Las Vegas, our criminal defense law firm serves clients throughout Clark County, including North Las Vegas and Henderson, NV. Explore the legal processes in Justice Courts across Clark County, NV, such as the Las Vegas Township Justice Court, Henderson Justice Court, and North Las Vegas Justice Court by contacting us now at (702) 660-1234.
Las Vegas Justice Court Address
Las Vegas Justice Court
Regional Justice Center
200 Lewis Ave #2,
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Additional Resources
Las Vegas Justice Court – The Criminal Division at Las Vegas Justice Court manages gross misdemeanor and felony cases, from arraignment to preliminary hearings before transfer to District Court. Additionally, the division oversees misdemeanor cases from arraignment to trial. The clerk’s office of the criminal division operates Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Clerk’s Office Criminal Division of the Las Vegas Justice Court Regional Justice Center200 Lewis Avenue, 2nd FloorLas Vegas, NV 89101
Record Inquiry for the Las Vegas Township Justice Court – Visit the Las Vegas Township Justice Court website to conduct record inquiries for both civil and criminal cases. Explore case records, including criminal histories, and check the court calendar. Additionally, utilize the database to access and settle traffic citations online. Traffic citation updates are available within 4 weeks of the hearing date.
Criminal Division of the Clark County District Attorney’s Office – District Attorney Steven Wolfson serves as the elected top prosecutor for Clark County. Leading the Clark County District Attorney’s office, the largest and busiest law firm in Nevada, Wolfson oversees a team of over 700 staff members, which includes 160 attorneys. Annually, the office manages a caseload exceeding 55,000 cases. Notably, Wolfson has held the position of Past President of the Nevada District Attorney’s Association. Within the criminal division, specialized litigation teams such as the support services unit, major violators unit, financial integrity unit, special victims unit, and criminal appeals unit work diligently to uphold justice.
Viewing and Searching Records of the Clark County Courts – Visit the Clark County Courts website to access and search records from the Eighth Judicial District Court. The Clerk of Court in Clark County maintains online court records from 1990 to the present day. For records dated between 1909 and 1990, individuals need to request them in person or via mail. The civil/criminal court counter is situated on the third floor of the Regional Justice Center (RJC) at 200 Lewis Avenue in downtown Las Vegas, NV. Accessing documents or information for Sealed Civil and Criminal cases necessitates a court order.